Friday, July 17, 2015

Therapy: My Gift to You

This evening as I started to make myself a lovely kale and spinach smoothie I discovered I didn’t actually have any spinach, kale, or an actual smoothie maker. However unfortunate this discovery was, one must power on in the face of adversity, so I sent my husband off to get the next best thing (chocolate milk shake from McDonalds). After the snack debacle was rectified I paused to reflect on my day. It involved a lot of screaming. And crying. And then the kids woke up.

Ha, I kid (kind of, these ankles would make you cry too).

Instead of feeling terrible about this I have decided to find the positive. The silver lining here is much like supporting small businesses my children will keep therapist in Kansas employed for years to come! Basically, I am single handedly turning the tide in the recession over here. You are welcome America!

 25 Reasons my kids need therapy:

1.       The underwear they peed in when they did NOT have to go to the bathroom is wet

2.       Santa isn’t coming today

3.       He isn’t coming tomorrow either.

4.       Oh, and neither is grandma.

5.       Boys do not have vaginas. Meara used to think I could fix everything, now that I cannot fix her father her innocence is basically shattered.

6.       I went in the kitchen and didn’t return with a 4 course meal.

7.       Baby gates

8.       The water was wet during bath time

9.       I could not properly identify all the different food types that made up Meara’s last bowel movement as it floated in the toilet.

10.   Speaking of toilet. Ours is white, not pink.

11.   Chewing on all household chords has been strictly forbidden

12.   So is riding on the vacuum. Basically I no longer go by “mom”. My new name is actually “kill Joy”

13.   Speaking of riding, I wouldn’t let them ride the dog

14.   I incorrectly sang the song “Old McDonald”. He didn’t have a sheep. He will never have a sheep. Do NOT mention a sheep.

15.   I did not turn into oncoming traffic when driving, even though I was directly order to “GO THIS WAY” by the tiny 3 year old dictator in the back seat

16.   I took a bite of her snack. This is the snack she didn’t want to see, eat, smell, look at, or be in the same room as.

17.   Didn’t let the youngest toddler suck on her dirty diaper

18.   There is more than 1 toddler in this house

19.   I told Meara about dance class and didn’t immediately take her. Dance class starts in September.

20.   It isn’t September

21.   Napping inside the fireplace isn’t allowed.

22.   The block tower fell down.

23.   Her sister looked at her. Twice.

24.   I didn’t look at her while she did a front roll for the 8 hundred millionth time

25.   She front rolled into the couch. My bad.

So, to all the therapist out there. You are welcome. I plan on keeping you in business for many years to come. And after you’ve fixed all the ways I’ve undoubtedly traumatized my children for life go ahead and sign me up for a membership. Do they do therapy memberships? I think I would be more likely to get a therapy membership at this point than a gym one. I don’t think I am medically cleared to approach a stair stepper until I really address the post-traumatic stress motherhood has caused me. And then after that I will need to address the current traumatic stress….

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