Friday, August 28, 2015

Mom Life: The Unedited Version

There are many, many woman who have it together.
Their children eat well balanced meals. Mine eat paper. 
They wear underwear on the daily. Mine enjoy a nice breeze between their buttock. 
Their kids don’t solve sibling issues with WWE moves. Mine will be starring on the next episode of Wrestle Mania.
Mom Life: The Unedited Version
So here is a picture play by play of my morning. Because I’m keeping it real for all my soul sisters out there. Can I get an AMEN?!? Or  maybe just a hug. I'll take a hug. Please God someone hold me,
So it started out ok. Just two sisters fighting over toys that are developmentally appropriate for their little brother in a very small space. Totally typical.


Next we did some cleaning. Audrey cleaned the couch for me. She has such a selfless soul.

This was followed by art time. Here we are just arting away. And by arting I mean they were throwing crayons like they were college co-eds experiencing Mardi Gra for the first time.


Then we played outside. A good time was had by all. And by good time I mean there was bodily injury and poop was thrown.

Restroom break, for mom, AKA Audrey did a little reorganization in preparation for her move.
Did I mention we are moving in 2 days? Here is the extent of my packing. I did that tape job myself.

Lunch time. Mom wasn’t quick enough. Beggars cannot be choosers so kids made a snack of this toothpaste.
And don't ask how she earned those beads.

Gas man, gas.

It is five o clock somewhere. Not here. but somewhere. Please don't everyone bask in my beauty all at once. that would be overwhelming.
Please picture me saluting you while the song "I Will Survive" plays in the background.
Soldier on mommas, soldier on.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

ISO: A Highly Qualified Do Everything'er

Today as I was browsing my computer I came upon my resume from past days. Days where I showered. Days when I knew what was going on in the world. Days when I wasn’t confused by the clothing I see people wearing. Days where I didn’t have to double check if my pants were on backwards before I left the house. I had a moment of blankness where I literally could not fathom what I would put If I had to make a resume for this time in my life. And that made me a little sad. So, I do believe it is time we have some job clarification. This is for ALL my momma’s. My momma’s who do it all, my momma’s who sacrifice working out of the home and the momma’s who sacrifice working in the home. Because at the end of the day it doesn’t matter how or where you do it. Motherhood is just that: sacrifice, with the most amazing return. Today I needed to give myself and all you other momma’s out there a little reminder of your job description. Because this can be thankless at times and often hard. So today momma I just want to remind you what exactly you really are:

You are a chef.

You are a fashion consultant.

A boo boo healer.

A shoulder to cry on.

A comedian.

You are a personal assistant.

A launderer of 5 loads of laundry a day.

You are a travel agent.

A Detective.

A giver of life.

You are the answer to every question, the comfort to every hurt.

You are the sun, whose planets revolve around you solely.

You are the 3am snuggle and glass of milk.

You are a bathroom assistant.

An organizer of all things.

The lost sock finder.

The sounding board.

You are their goodnight story and first morning snuggle.

You are human.

You are the playground monitor.

The rescuer.

The fun.

You are the teacher.

And ever the student.

You are important.

You are the tummy-ache healer.

You are the master transportation provider.

You are their adventure.

The stuffed animal doctor.

Pajama provider.

You are the story teller.

The drink refiller and snack provider.

The photographer and memory capturer.

The fort builder.

The life guard and referee.

You are holidays, birthdays, just because days.

You are a fighter and a survivor.

You are their sense of safety.

You are the tickle monster.

The darkness chaser.

You are a scientist.

The lead explorer.

The maid.

The GPS.

You matter.

You are a hair dresser.

A shoe locator.

You are a handyman.

You are belly laughs, silly songs, and make believe.

You are tea parties

And demolition derby.

You are their light, their comfort, their safe place.

You are the anchor.

And you hold.

You are beautiful. Just the way you are.

You are the chaser of monsters, and scary things exterminator.

You are tired.

And that is ok.

Because you are present. Every day.

You, momma. Not anyone else. Just little old you.

Give yourself a high five because you, my friend, are amazing.


Fill that out on your next resume k?

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The Time my Toddler Took a Car Ride Sans Underwear

Every time you add a child to the mix things tend to get a little hairy. We welcomed our third bundle of poop producing joy into the world 4 days ago, and by welcomed I mean there was a lot of screaming, crying, and begging to double people’s pay if they could provide me with some pain relief.

I now have a child who recently turned 3, a 20 month old with a vindictive streak the size of Texas, and a newborn who probably doesn’t stand a solid chance. He will be cross dressing by 6 months with the help of his sisters.


Chaos is an understatement.

So to all my dear friends and people who hardly know me, but would like to participate in my slow mental demise: This is how it is going.

Today has been a day of highs and lows. There were tears. There was laughter. Some mild nudity and some moderate violence. However, I would like to focus more on this evening.

I laid all the kids clothes out for after bath. After the two toddlers did their best impressions of flopping dead fish with strong futures that involve making millions on some sort of water dispersal system they ran into the living room to get dressed. Audrey took this time to let us, the neighbors, and possibly the gas station attendant a block away know that she thought the decision to not allow her to sit on her brother was an unfair one by thrashing around on the floor for a good five minutes. While trying to determine if she was just unhappy or experiencing some sort of seizure Meara took the opportunity to hide her underwear.

Why, you ask, would she hide her underwear? Why not is a better question?

So, after we got Audrey calmed down, Andrew and I took a few minutes to hold ourselves and cry. We then put Meara’s nightgown on and requested she please relocate her panties for us. After explaining she enjoyed a good breeze we once again held ourselves and cried some more and then got distracted again.

At this point I’ve moved on to bathe the baby.

Audrey seize this time to:

1.    Break my powder and disperse it like it is fairy dust. Trust me kid if that was fairy dust I wouldn’t have to be hiding in the bathroom eating oreos twice a day.

2.    Take a large bite out of my deodorant. That is one way to both curb your appetite, as well as let everyone know what you thought about tonight’s dinner.

3.    Draw all over herself with my lip stain.

Did you know that actually does in fact stain?!

That is a lovely shade of coral you have dyed your eyebrows and butt Audrey. Really lovely.

At this point my husband is on his knees saying 3 Hail Mary’s in both English and Spanish (we need to cover all our bases here) and doing the sign of the cross at any child’s approach. He decides the best thing to do is put the 2 girls in the car and drive to Mexico and drop them off. After some debate I manage to convince him that isn’t the best option and instead maybe to just start with a drive around the block.

This leaves me alone with my newborn who after watching his sister’s ridiculousness for 4 days is currently considering looking into adoption.

About 3 minutes after they’ve left I got a phone call from Andrew. He passes along this direct quote from Meara:


“Dad I really need some panties on, but its ok!”


Yes, you read that correctly.

In the mass chaos that is our life we had forgotten that the oldest had stashed her panties (just in case there was one day a panty shortage) and had instead had been going commando during this time. I’ve never taken a car ride with everything free to the breezes, but if you are wondering what it is like just ask my 3 year old. She has some experience.

There are a lot of parents out there who have it all together. They have lovely children, who are unaware that chicken nuggets are in fact a food group, and wear underwear during all forms of travel.

We are not those parents.

I had this exact same facial expression when I heard too Sullivan. May the odds be ever in your favor.