Friday, August 28, 2015

Mom Life: The Unedited Version

There are many, many woman who have it together.
Their children eat well balanced meals. Mine eat paper. 
They wear underwear on the daily. Mine enjoy a nice breeze between their buttock. 
Their kids don’t solve sibling issues with WWE moves. Mine will be starring on the next episode of Wrestle Mania.
Mom Life: The Unedited Version
So here is a picture play by play of my morning. Because I’m keeping it real for all my soul sisters out there. Can I get an AMEN?!? Or  maybe just a hug. I'll take a hug. Please God someone hold me,
So it started out ok. Just two sisters fighting over toys that are developmentally appropriate for their little brother in a very small space. Totally typical.


Next we did some cleaning. Audrey cleaned the couch for me. She has such a selfless soul.

This was followed by art time. Here we are just arting away. And by arting I mean they were throwing crayons like they were college co-eds experiencing Mardi Gra for the first time.


Then we played outside. A good time was had by all. And by good time I mean there was bodily injury and poop was thrown.

Restroom break, for mom, AKA Audrey did a little reorganization in preparation for her move.
Did I mention we are moving in 2 days? Here is the extent of my packing. I did that tape job myself.

Lunch time. Mom wasn’t quick enough. Beggars cannot be choosers so kids made a snack of this toothpaste.
And don't ask how she earned those beads.

Gas man, gas.

It is five o clock somewhere. Not here. but somewhere. Please don't everyone bask in my beauty all at once. that would be overwhelming.
Please picture me saluting you while the song "I Will Survive" plays in the background.
Soldier on mommas, soldier on.

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